It has been a wonderful day in the “Mafraq youth center” and as you might know, that we are now at the second day of our expedition in this amazing town with wonderful people just excited to work with us in all the projects they have found.

The “reclaim your neighborhood” project was having quite a nice time and were also much happy to see participants from the day before coming again to be a part of this project. And the fact that, well, some members hadn’t showed up today, but this thing was a bonus plus for the project to interact more with all the participants in this project. And in overall the participants made big effort and ever achieved some progress in a way that they became proud of what they have done and they had even invited some of their friends to see their work.

The “Defair yalla!– Fair play and Debate” team said that the games they have performed in the day before left a good impression of them and the good reaction about the unfair games were amazing. And as the project had some photo taking activities, the participants enjoyed this activity also. And they even elected “The president of the world” a 11 year old girl (she was soooo shy at first, then we couldn’t shut her up!.. heheh kidding).

The “Dabke– theater” team was explaining that it’s participants were very engaged on the second day, and how the participants were learning quickly about the theater, and even after with the dabkeh, to learn how to dance the Lebanese version of dabkeh.

The “cultural – toon” team was just singing “I feel good” every now and then, especially after diving into the sea of animation with the participants who had recorded their voices and taken photos of them. And they also decided to also give the participants lessons in stop motion technique in the futuristic project.

“City fragrance” team was astonished, like every day, (could be taking something hehe), from the talents of the participants in drawing and in writing in Arabic literature, and in this day they have discovered the good spirit of their participants who just want a space so they could express what they want, and even to let someone hear them for every small or big thing they do.

“Art Art Envo Art” team, who were still playing with trash (poor people :>) continued their work with the participants, transforming trash they found around the center into masterpieces, insisting on the recycling of the materials into a good, 0 budget, new pieces and products.

One reply on “MEXP day 9: Calm between 2 storms”
Ali Hussein July 15, 2011 at 10:44 am
الحروف…وما تشكل على اثرها من كلمات….نطقت بها ام قبعت على الاوراق …تعجز عن شكرك يا محمود….انت و الاء….اليزبيث….بانيلا….وجميع من شاركنا ذكريات تبقى في البال….
شكراً لبعثة الشرق الاوسط
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