It was a nice morning this day starting with a small fun “Good Morning” energizing game after breakfast.
Then it was mixing time, where all the project coordinators started to mix their projects with each other to created much better planned projects where some of the projects merged with others, specially where the nature of the projects are the same or where the number of the project coordinators are less than expected. But don’t worry our spirit just got higher after that and we were very excited to start the projects in the places that we are going to.
So we won’t go into the details right here, we want to leave you excited !! yeah evil right? Heh
Brief, the projects will be as following:
1. Defair Yalla:

This project aims to discuss several topics using games, photography, debates, and these topics will be chosen by the participants them self.
It will be divided into three sections,
The first section: “fair play” and in this section, the participants will experience the unfairness of life that will be projected inside games that shall be done and how it will affect them in different ways of life.
The second section: “debate” this is where the participants will be defending theories that they don’t accept it in real life, and they will be closer to feel what others feel.
The third and last section is about photography; let us see the people’s point of view regarding everything thru the camera’s lens .
2. The City fragrance on paper:

This project aims to give the opportunity for the Jordanian youth to express them self-regarding their opinion, ambitions, hopes, challenges that they are facing in Jordan.
It also aims to develop the skills of this section of age throught transforming what comes to their minds into master pieces and poetry.
In addition to that it raises people’s social skills by giving them the chance to share their experiences with youth from Arab and European countries, and it will be as following:
The participants will be divided into groups where each person will introduce himself to break the ice and then the spotlight will be on their talents and the obstacles that stop them from doing their hobbies and interests.
And at the end, this 3-days experience will be documented inside a book that will embrace some of Jordan’s youth vision.
3 – Theater and “Dabkeh”:

It will give the opportunity for the participants to express them self by body movements, they will learn the Lebanese “Dabkeh” and we will learn the Jordanian “Dabkeh”, and the “Dabkeh” will then be translated into some kind of a theatrical work where the scenarios will be put by the participants themselves.
4- Culture toon:

Movies, cartoons, interviews will be merged all together to produce at the end a short movie where the participants will be the main characters of this film. And after Mexp 2011 finishes, two other movies will be done with children from Denmark and Syria. And throught these films, participants will be introduce to the techniques of some Hollywood movies, cross cultural differences, in addition to different life styles, dreams, ambition. And it might also create some intern channel of communication between the youth that is coming from different countries on the internet and throught different social media websites.
5- Art Art Envo-art:

This project is a combination of two projects “recycled paper” and “trashy fashion”, it emphasizes on the importance of the environment and the recycling phase to end up with artistic work by adding some decorative creative touches inspired from the participants imagination.
It reflect the relation between art and environment on the psychological level and the artistic point of view.
The project stands on attracting the participants to join and work on two mini-projects:
– recycling papers: collecting papers, wood and mixing them to have recycled strong materials.
– art workshop: it allows participants to express their thoughts by producing artistic work with the materials made from the first mini-project.
And at the end we can make a small exhibition with all that has been did.
Goal of the project:
+ Empowering the idea of recycling.
+ Giving out useful ideas in a fun and interesting way.
+ Help the participants to lunch their imaginations and giving them a chance to express their through threw arts.
+ Interaction between the participants from different countries and sharing their ideas.
6- Reclaim your neighborhood:

It will focus on developing the role of the neighborhood for the local people by inspiring them to use whatever they find around them.
We will clean the streets and then create special dumpsters that will only contain material that could be recycled to insist on the idea that we can reuse what we used and to also emphasis on the social responsibility regarding the neighborhood.
The second part of the project is to decorate the street and sidewalks with a colorful carpet made out of chalks.
The third part will help in creating in new perspective of the neighborhood to the locals, and this project will also be documented by photos and texts on the blog of the “Middle East Expedition” in a way to urge the participants to claim their city or town as a special place no matter what.
And we hope that by participating in our project people will feel greater appreciation and take greater part and responsibility in their community.
So these are the 6 projects that we will start working on in the few upcoming days, every team is getting it’s stuff prepared and ready.
And after doing some of that work, not all of it – yeah a bit lazy – , we got out to a café in Amman called “umniyat Amman” (the wishes of Amman) were we had a marvelous night time with good Arabic music played on the “oud” and “Derbakeh”.