Mexp day 7: Projects tested, Tawook consumed

As mentioned in our previous blog post, today was the day that we apply the second part of our project, so ( 3 ) new projects for the same participants that were here from “Schneller school” and in addition to that we got 15 more participants from the “Jordan University” that we were delighted to […]

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Mexp day 6: Fun is our middle name

WE WANNA SLEEP, but we are also excited to start our projects, YES! it’s our big day. And to make it more challenging, the projects started at 9:00 that mean waking up earlier for it, but don’t worry, we were up to it :> .

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Mexp Day 3: let’s make it 1+1=3

It was a nice morning this day starting with a small fun “Good Morning” energizing game after breakfast. Then it was mixing time, where all the project coordinators started to mix their projects with each other to created much better planned projects where some of the projects merged with others, specially where the nature of […]

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Here we go one

Everyone is high tensioned, especially the first timers, it’s getting 10:30 and our heart beats is getting stronger by the minute. We have a flight to catch we have Jordan to visit. Before leaving the airport gate from the outside world, we decided to take our first group picture with our Lebanese flag in addition […]

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جدول زمني رائع عن “ربيع” العرب

في زمن انخفضت فيه معدلات القراءة، وثبتت مقولة الصورة تساوي ألف كلمة. عملت صحيفة الغارديان البريطانية على هذا المبدأ من حيث دمج الصور البيانية والتصميم الرائع بالإضافة إلى المعلومات لها قيمة إعلامية ليتم إنتاج برمجيات إلكترونية مذهلة، تقدم للقارئ معلومات بشكل سهل وسلس ويمكن الرجوع إليه في أي وقت كان.

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